Night Shift by Stephen King – Review

A collection of short stories by Stephen King, the so called King of Horror. The stories are supposed to be eerie but most of them are neither believable nor readable.

Quitters.Inc is about a firm which helps people quit smoking through some secret and dangerous ways. Another story is about a son killing his mother, who is suffering from cancer, out of mercy. Yet another story is about ETs getting into the body of a human. The above stories are average! All the other stories are just not worth mentioning.

The idea of trucks ruling the world, coming back of dead spirits, a man turning into a lawn mower, a piece of machinery gobbling up all the humans, etc may have been great ideas of the author. But he hasn’t convincingly put it across. One gets really bored and the only comforting factor is that they are all short stories. One keeps on reading the stories hoping that atleast the next story would be good but at the end one is left with not an eerie tasting but with a sour taste.


About expressingmythoughts

Love reading books and music. Avid cricket fan but also like to watch almost all sports.
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3 Responses to Night Shift by Stephen King – Review

  1. Prabha Prakash says:

    Thank you for warning me —- now wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole!
    Even if you forget to inform us on the books you enjoyed, please do let us know at your earliest about such of those books that must be avoided.
    so continue to send in your reviews,

    • Hi PP –
      Indian Law says it is admissible to let thousand guilty scot free but not a single innocent person should be punished. Similarly, I would heed to your advice and make sure that I would record all the books that I don’t want my friends to read 🙂

      Keep commenting. Your comments mean a lot to me.

  2. Prabha Prakash says:

    Thanks for warning me and I shall certainly stay away from the book. Please continue to post your reviews especially ones that are avoidable !! Depending on you to steer my course of future reading.

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