Mumbai…the city of dreams..!


Mumbai… the city of dreams, where slums and high rise building exist side by side. Wherever you go, however high-fi it is, there would be a slum area just near by. Though I stayed there for a little more than three weeks and did experience traveling in Mumbai train during peak hours, I did feel that there a few points that we have to learn from Mumbaittes. First and foremost is their professionalism. Most of the people in my client’s office were traveling nearly 1.5 hours to 2 hours one way to reach office but whatever be the climate (there was a heavy downpour on most of the days I was there), they were always on time and more important, never once complained about the arduous journey. Even when the trains were running late due to heavy rains, it was taken as a matter of fact and nobody complained or cursed their ill-luck. More than that, they never let anything spoil their work attitude.


This work attitude and professionalism was glorified by the dubba-wallahs. But I feel  that the taxi drivers of this great city too should be given their due credit. They inevitably turn on the meters and never charge the passengers even a single paisa extra. So much that we can say that tourists from other states or even other countries who have absolutely no knowledge of the topography can get into a taxi very confidently. Just imagine the same scenario in Chennai…. if the auto-wallah knew that you don’t know Tamil, you might as well have to part with the entire cash in your wallet even for going to the next road.. Nothing less than robbery.


Wherever we went, we could see people standing in queues and waiting for their chance. Be it the bus stands, waiting for elevator, mutton shop or even liquor shop people stood in queues and waited for their turn. No jumping of queues or unnecessary fights. Something which needs to be followed by every other city and state.


Another good aspect was the way the people drove their cars. Though the traffic was very heavy and there was a traffic jam to be encountered in every other road, there was less honking of horns. I just shudder to think what would have been the racket created if the same had happened in Chennai. Everyone would be honking their horns at full blast that would make getting stuck in a traffic jam more horrible.


Before you think that I am painting a rosy picture, let me warn you that there are a few eyesores as well. Mumbai may be the cultural capital of India where people are more fashionable but when it comes to keeping their city clean, it comes at the very last. Almost all the people never even think twice before spitting on the ground. All the public places, the corners, walls and almost all accessible places appear in a dull red due to tobacco stains.


Next would come the taxis. Well, before you get confused let me assure you my above stated point that they are indeed professional and never cheat the passengers, that is, if you manage to get into one. It is not an uncommon sight to see someone waiting for nearly half an hour or more to get a taxi as the drivers pick and choose their clients and those who want to go to nearby places or where the probability of getting a return fare is less are left in the lurch.


Everything said and done, I would say I love Chennai but there are a few aspects which we can learn from Mumbai to make our city good. 

About expressingmythoughts

Love reading books and music. Avid cricket fan but also like to watch almost all sports.
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5 Responses to Mumbai…the city of dreams..!

  1. Prabha Prakash says:

    As usual you have given a very interesting account of your experiential insight of the commercial capital of India. Surprisingly my impressions of [then] Bombay in the late 70s were almost identical to your views of Mumbai as found now!!
    Look forward to more blogs coming from you.
    Prabha Prakash

  2. Glad to know that your views of the late 70s still hold good. I did like the commercial capital of India but I still feel that Chennai is a better place to live 🙂

  3. Bhavia says:

    I love Chennai 😛

  4. Chotts says:

    Good to hear that Mumbai Taxis are better than Chennai autos 🙂
    But swargamae endralum adhu namma oora pola varuma 😀

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